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Deal School

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Collaborating is key!

Based on self-understanding, awareness and needs, and cognitive and affective growth, students will be able to choose a project in domains they are passionate about.

Students will progress through the three phases of the cycle of inquiry within a Makerspace model.

Phase 1: Units of Inquiry (Computer Graphics, Digital Communication, Robotics and Control Technology, and other new apps and technologies)

          Doodle 4 Google

          Google Art Project



          Photoshop Elements

          Punch Home Design Suite

          SketchUp - 3D Modeling


          CrazyTalk Animation

           Lego Mindstorms EV3 Robotics

           Snap Circuits

           MaKey MaKey

Phase 2: Expression  (10 weeks)

          Who are you?

          What is your story?

          What is your life’s purpose?

           Produce and Publish Writing, utilizing multimedia applications

           Present Information, findings, and supporting evidence

           Develop and organize the documentation of learning


Phase 3: Oration and Exposition:  Solutionary Showcase  (10 weeks)


Share and express the process of learning, highlighting the inquiry arc and the engineering design process

Develop and showcase their learning.

Use a variety of mediums, resources, and materials to apply their learning, through the implementation of new strategies and skills to share with others, present solutions to design challenges, and solve meaningful problems.  

  1. Computer Graphics & Digital Communication
  2. Robotics & Control Technology with Circuits
  3. Units (open-ended question to explore student direction and self)
  4.  Skills