Navigators K/1
Navigators K/1
The K/1 Navigators' Program starts in October and continues for the remainder of the school year. Through empowered learning and global collaboration and communication, students will develop innovative, critical, and creative thinking skills. The goals of the program will be supported by a technology-enriched, inquiry-based curriculum that will generate excitement and intellectual rigor for students as they explore their passion for learning. Throughout the program, students will be given the opportunity to explore and participate in a variety of activities in a Makers’ Space Workshop format.
All kindergarten and first-grade students will be given the opportunity to participate in a small group during a four-week cycle of the course. Students will be pulled from their regularly scheduled class once per week for four weeks to work with Mrs. Walton in the STEaM studio. The Navigators Program is a K-8 initiative that, for kindergarten and first-grade students, will be used as a marker for participation in the program beyond the first grade. Students in grades two through eight participate in the program based on set criteria for admittance and will attend once per week and one double period per month to enrich their learning beyond the regular classroom.
We are very excited to provide this learning experience for your child and look forward to the amazing projects and experiences that will come as a result of their exposure to this program. If you have any questions regarding the program, please call me on 732-531-0480.
Thank You,
Donato Saponaro
Grades K-1 Scope and Sequence:
Progress through the three phases of the cycle of inquiry.
K-1 Units of Inquiry (5-6 week cycles)
Phase 1: Exploration- What…?
What do you wonder about?
Identify passions.
Support curiosity and awe through discussion and observation of the world around us.
Create quality questions.
Gather data through all senses.
Work with me.
Develop collaboration and communication between students through the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and questions.
Develop flexible thinking.
Build the skill of listening to others with understanding and empathy.
Phase 2: Expression - What if…?
What’s your Problem?
Gain a global perspective on problem-solving.
Think and communicate clearly.
Think independently.
Develop the ability to reason.
What’s next?
Use creative and critical thinking.
Create, imagine, and innovate an original idea.
Full STEAM Ahead!
Integrate the arts into the inquiry process.
Take responsible risks.
Think about thinking and reflecting.
Implement the EDP to develop an idea into a prototype that can be tested and improved.
Phase 3: Exposition & Oration- How…?
Produce and Publish Writing, utilizing multimedia applications
Present Information, findings, and supporting evidence
Develop and organize the documentation of learning
Share and express the process of learning, highlighting the inquiry arc and the engineering design process
Develop and showcase their learning via Seesaw.
Use a variety of mediums, resources, and materials to apply their learning, through the implementation of new strategies and skills to share with others, present solutions to design challenges, and solve meaningful problems.
These can both occur after school and take place in the STEaM Lab, Learning Commons, and in the Outdoor Classroom.
- Skills
- Presentations: