Circle Etiquette
Students may only be dropped off and picked up at the main door at the circle!
No student is to be dropped off or picked up at the gym door on Roseld Avenue!
The rules and regulations that are in place are to protect the safety of our students!
Circle & Pick Up/Drop Off
When you arrive at school and cars have filled up the driveway all the way to Roseld Ave.:
You must pull up on the northeast side of Roseld Ave. (across the street) and wait to make a left turn into the driveway when a car pulls out.
You CANNOT wait on Roseld Ave. southwest side (behind parked cars) and make a right hand turn into the drive. This does not allow parked cars to pull out, cuts off cars waiting in the proper line across the street, and obstructs the view of cars exiting the driveway.
Also, please DO NOT PASS CARS ALREADY LINED UP and enter the circle to park!!
Try as we do to teach our children not to walk out between cars, they do!
And they don’t expect cars to drive by in and pass the other cars.
Your understanding and cooperation will help keep our children safe!